Modern Plasma Theory, by Burton D. Fried Physical Sciences Colloquium Series (not current) Equivalency Exams (please contact Dr Bereket Berhane) ERGS - Elston Relativity and Gravitation Symposium Accurate Time Fundamental Physics in the Third Millennium (August 2011) Society of Physics Students/SPS Fusion physics What are plasmas? Ideas for independent study Collaborators: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory Upper Atmospheric Branch, Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory Institute d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology Research Links: The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere The SOHO satellite Space Weather Astronomy Picture of the Day Windows to the Universe Views of the Solar System more links Plasmaphile former physics blog